Curriculum Overview

While striving for academic excellence, YCHS students are challenged with a curriculum of core courses. Below is a general outline of our academic program:
What We
Math Courses
9: Pre-Algebra & Algebra I
10: Geometry
11: Algebra II
12: Calculus Honors or College Prep Math
English Language Arts
ELA 10
ELA 11
ELA 12
Literature Courses
Literature 9
Literature 10
Literature 11
Literature 12
Science Courses
9: Earth Science
10: Biology
11: Chemistry
12: Physics
Social Studies
9: Civics & Geography
10: Micronesian History & Government
11: US History
12: World History
Religion Courses
9: Our Catholic Faith
10: Jesus of History, Christ of Faith
11: Morality
12: The Magis: Exploration of Ignatian Spirituality
What We Also Offer
Additional courses offered throughout the curriculum include:
Supplemental Math Collaboration Review (9 & 10), Silent Reading (9 - 12), Physical Education (9 - 12), Art (10 & 11), Student Skill Building Collaboration (9, 12), Computer Literacy (9), Health (9, 10), SAT Prep (11), College Counseling (11, 12), Life Skills (12)
All students also participate in our three-week long Summer Session Program each year which includes intensive courses in Math, English, and Student Executive Functioning in the mornings and various activities, sports, and clubs in the afternoons. Also held during the summer is the Marine Island Ecology Course (MIEC) for upcoming senior class members, provided by the Micronesian Conservation Coalition in partnership with YCHS and local stakeholders.